Vik 16th April 2022

As a young Artist I met John one day at his open studio at Bishops Waltham? (I think it was) many years ago. I remember being impressed how passionate he was about his work and we chatted about the struggles to become a full time artist. I was working in an office full time and painting each night, he was a huge step ahead of me on the artistic ladder. In the years that passed I often looked him up to see how he was getting on , our paths never crossed again. Tonight 15 April 2022, I found myself searching for him again, to see what he was up by to. Sadly I read of his passing some time ago now. My brief encounter with John always stuck with me, I guess we both chased the same rainbow. The trouble with rainbows is they're a bit unpredictable and we never know when they will appear. BUT....... Let's never stop chasing them because in this earthbound life we rely on artists like John to create our own rainbows. Good work my friend, I hope our paths cross again someday, I won't forget you and your inspiration. Viktor Tilson - Artist